Ultimate Bark Control


I worked with L7 Creative to kick off their client GoodLife Ultimatebarkcontrol.com PPC ads in Microsoft Bing Ads for the US, AU, and CA market and Google Ads for solely the AU market, aiming to expand their humane bark control and pest repellent products profitably. The primary focus was on achieving a 4x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) in the US and initiating a successful campaign in Australia through Google and Microsoft advertising channels. 

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The overarching goal was to establish a profitable presence in the AU market, with specific targets including a 4x ROAS in the US and successful campaigns in both Google and Microsoft.


To achieve the desired outcome, I relied on testing small amounts of ad spend utilizing a variety of campaigns including search, shopping and PMAX and doubling down on campaigns that were profitable or had the ability to become profitable while quickly pausing any campaigns that had spent 2 times the desired CPA that received 0 purchases. 

Microsoft Bing Ads(Nov 1 - December 28, 2023):

Shopping Campaign targeting US:

  • Spent: $3,660
  • CPA: $20
  • Revenue: $21,682
  • Return: 592.39%

Shopping Campaign Australia:

  • Spent: $548.6
  • CPA: $137.15
  • Revenue: $1,143.20
  • Return: 208.38%

Google Ads(Nov 1 - Dec 30, 2023):

PMAX Campaign:

  1. Spent: $3148.6
  2. CPA: $89.15
  3. Revenue: $8,643.20
  4. Return: 274.5%


My strategic approach for L7 Creative has yielded their client noteworthy results, with a 550% ROAS in US sales within 30 days on Microsoft and a 274% ROAS on Google. While the Australian campaign is in its early stages, the initial success indicates the potential for further optimization and scaling. The commitment to ongoing refinement positions Good Life Inc. for continued success in expanding their market presence, contributing to over $28K in revenue within a 60 day time frame.

let's gets working together

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